

What is Shadow Banning and How Do I Stop It?

April 20, 2021

Shadow banning is the act, by a social media company, of limiting who can see your ...

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20% of All Website Still Don’t Have an SSL Certificate

April 02, 2021

A Secured Socket Layer (SSL) is a feature added to a website which secures the connection ...

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Why 2 Factor Authentication is Essential

March 23, 2021

  A decade or so ago, all website log-ins consisted of a username and password prompt. ...

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Best Social Media Platforms to Market Your Business

March 10, 2021

Its 2021 and the web marketing landscape is a big as it ever was. There are ...

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Creating a New Website is Much Like Molding Clay

February 11, 2021

We all remember art class in elementary school when it was time to create something out ...

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Google Doesn’t Punish You for Duplicate Content – Sort Of

February 04, 2021

Those of us in the SEO business know about duplicate content and that the general rule ...

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Adobe Flash is No More – The End of an Era

January 29, 2021

There was a time when a website featuring a nice animated flash header was top-of-the-line. As ...

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Link Building is a Must

December 17, 2020

One way search engines decide where to rank your site is how much "link juice" you ...

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Spam SEO Contact Form Submits

December 10, 2020

You can imagine how it would feel if someone came up to you in person and ...

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Should I Put a Piece of Tape Over My Laptop Camera Lens?

December 09, 2020

A lot of people will laugh at this question. Somehow not only do they assume that ...

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How to Block Entire Countries from Accessing Your Website

November 13, 2020

Hacking, internet piracy and DDoS (Direct Denial of Service) attacks are at all time high numbers. ...

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Brevard County Election Results

November 04, 2020

Everyone is focusing mainly on the Presidential Election which is currently under way.  But, elections and ...

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