

Web Budget: Only if it Makes Sense

  • October 20, 2011
  • Bradley Taylor

As you may know from reading my past blogs, I believe that many folks neglect their opportunity to flourish on the web. They don’t spend enough $ or pay enough attention to detail when it comes to their web presence.  Many leads can be garnered from a good-looking website that shows up first page. However, there are some businesses that simply cannot justify spending a large amount of money on web development and rightly so.

If a business doesn’t have a clientel that uses the web a great deal or a business has no plans to grow and expand business size then spending big $ on web development would equal the proverbial “spinning of wheels”.  This doesn’t mean they cannot benefit from having a web presence.  It simply means that the cost, like any other overhead expense, has to be justified and expected to yield a profit.

These days a business owner with some initiative can have a custom template built and installed on WordPress for roughly $500 and then spend the time to generate content and build inbound links him or herself. But this only makes sense if the owner/manager is dedicated to this task and has the time to do so.

~ Brad