Importance of Allowing Commenting and Linking on Your Blog
- September 11, 2018
- Bradley Taylor
All too often these days I will read a nice blog post on someone’s site and go to comment on it and see that “comments have been closed”. This is a big SEO mistake. Interactive web-pages are worth more than non. If a person or company’s reason is that they don’t want to take the time to approve the comments or sift through spam I have only this to say: It’d be the best 15 minutes you spent on your site every month.
“Your post’s comments are also calculated as a part of your post’s content! The number of high quality comments your post receives will also improve the overall ranking of your content.” – Private Links Network
This takes me to my second point. The type of comment area really doesn’t matter. There are Disqus comment plug ins, Facebook comment plug ins.. etc. But having the open comment where a person can leave their name (or keyword) and a link to their website is actually good for your site.
This is because you can approve their comment, go to their page and comment back and expect to be approved. There is a little link swapping there and the fact that both sites have content that are usually related is even better.
This doesn’t mean that you have to approve every comment or every piece of spam that ends up in your Que. Take the time to sift through and find the comments made by a genuine reader. Delete the ones with canned formats. ex “I really liked your blog. Now check out my blog at yada yada yada. ”
In conclusion, think as your page as a relationship with the reader and Google as the ultimate judge. You want to establish report and maybe even a conversation. You don’t want to simply dictate things to the masses. Nobody likes a dictator.