

Google Panda: The Latest Algorithm Changes

  • July 29, 2013
  • Bradley Taylor

July 2013

googleIn what seems like a monthly event now, and is conformed to start becoming one, Google has designed some search algorithm tweaks. According to sources the changes are small and will effect very little of the websites listed in the Google index. However, they make mention that Google has plans to roll out tweaks every months and each rollout takes approximately ten days to complete.

These changes are all part of what Google refers to as “Panda” updates. That is their cute little nickname for making algorithm changes and any changes that may effect where a website is listed in the search results.

What can you do? Stay within the Google “white hat” approved techniques.  Take no short cuts. Constantly add content. Never delete old content. Do not copy and paste information, instead rewrite it in your own words. These are just some of the things you can do to assure you are doing your part to get recognized. Also, subscribe to our blog and stay tuned for latest breaking Google updates.