

Google Now Has SEO Spam Alerts

  • July 18, 2016
  • Bradley Taylor

Spam filter word cloudThose website owners that use Google Analytics for their websites now have the option of using a tool that lets them know whether or not their content has spam in it. This is one of the biggest tools out there and one that is going to help website owners with the content that they provide to their audiences. When a keyword is played out too much and it is found in awkward areas throughout the content, it can cause the content to read much like spam would on a poor website. This is what the new tool is going to let the owner know.

What to Do if Your Website Content Reads as Spammy?

This might seem like a silly question, or even a tool that you do not think is going to be useful. However, with the proper SEO tactics and content, not only can your website rank much higher, but it will read much better overall. Changing the content to conform to Google’s new SEO policies can help your readers gain insightful information from your website, while also helping you rank higher in Google’s eyes.

What’s better is that this new tool can also recognize hackers that come onto the site and leave things behind. This will protect the user’s website from the hackers and other bots that might come to leave unpleasant presents for not only you, but for the visitors that might want to click and use the website that you’ve put together.

Adding the tool onto any website platform can easily be done through the use of the Google Analytics account that you currently hold. They can then provide you with reports regarding the spam content throughout the website, so that you can go through and fix it. Additionally, they can also recommend other considerations to keep in mind such as the readability of the content as a whole, and where you might want other keywords.

The Bottom Line?

Make sure that your SEO tactics and the content of your website is in the best possible shape to ensure that you have an audience that is actually using the content to the best of their ability. This can shape the way that content and websites are found and used throughout the Internet. Changing the way that you provide your content on your website can help shape the entire views that come from the audience that you’re looking at using to gain more attention to your site.